changedJuly 8, 2024, 10:59 p.m.
Phone(09) 4766 4444
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Serves routesBus 105Bus 108NBus 111Bus 112NBus 113Bus 113NBus 114Bus 114NBus 116Bus 117Bus 118Bus 118NBus 119Bus 121Bus 121ABus 124Bus 125Bus 125NBus 133Bus 134NBus 137Bus 138Bus 146NBus 147NBus 148Bus 149Bus 15Bus 158Bus 159Bus 162Bus 163Bus 163KBus 164Bus 164KBus 165Bus 165NBus 166Bus 166KBus 167Bus 168Bus 169Bus 171Bus 171ZBus 172Bus 173Bus 173NBus 173ZBus 175Bus 175VBus 201Bus 201BBus 202Bus 203Bus 206Bus 206KBus 207Bus 212Bus 213Bus 213NBus 214Bus 215Bus 224Bus 224BBus 225Bus 227Bus 229Bus 231NBus 235NBus 236Bus 236BBus 236VBus 239Bus 241Bus 241VBus 242Bus 243Bus 243VBus 244Bus 245Bus 246Bus 246KBus 246KTBus 246TBus 321Bus 345Bus 345NBus 348Bus 348BKBus 348KBus 349Bus 349BBus 349BKBus 436NBus 502Bus 52Bus 522Bus 522BBus 53Bus 531Bus 533Bus 542Bus 544Bus 548Bus 549Bus 553Bus 554Bus 566Bus 582Bus 582VBus 583Bus 583KBus 584Bus 584TBus 911Intercity 191AIntercity 192Intercity 192KMIntercity 192MIntercity 192VIntercity 200Intercity 275Intercity 280Intercity 280AIntercity 282Intercity 285Intercity 300Intercity 375Intercity 375VIntercity 385Intercity 385AIntercity 510Intercity 520Intercity 530Train ATrain ETrain HTrain LTrain UTrain YMetro M1Metro M2
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